Anniversary of the President of the Cardioprogress Foundation, Academician Rafael G. Oganov (on the occasion of his 80th birthday)

On December 9, 2017, the well-known Russian cardiologist, scientist, clinician, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Russian State Prize, honorary president of the Russian Cardiological Society, editor-in-chief of the 2 leader Russian cardiology journals Oganov Rafael.

 Rafael Oganov was born in a working family in Moscow. He passed a great life and creative path from a clinical resident to an academician of the RussianAcademy of Medical Sciences, a scientist, a doctor and a teacher widely known in Russia and abroad.

In 1966, after graduating with honors from the Medical Faculty of the 2 Moscow Medical Institute, he studied in clinical residency and postgraduate study at the Department of Hospital Therapy, headed by Academician PE Lukomsky. Later, as an assistant to the department, he acquired good clinical and pedagogical experience. During his work at the department, the scientific interests of Rafael Oganov were devoted to the study of the sympathoadrenal system and violations of carbohydrate metabolism in myocardial infarction and other forms of coronary heart disease. The results obtained served as the basis for his PhD and doctoral dissertations.

Since 1976 he worked at the All-UnionScientificResearchCenter of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, first as a scientific secretary, and since 1982 as director of the Institute of Preventive Cardiology. From 1988 to 2011 he took part in the creation and headed the StateResearchCenter for Preventive Medicine. Thanks to the efforts of Rafael Oganov, a research center was established in the Soviet Union, the main task of which was to study and analyze the epidemiological situation in the country, and on this basis, the development and implementation of preventive programs to reduce morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular and other chronic noncommunicable diseases .

In 1997 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2000 a full member of the RussianAcademy of Medical Sciences, in the present medical department is represented in the RussianAcademy of Sciences, a member of the VAK (Council for PhD and doctoral degree) presidium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 2012 to 2017.

The range of scientific interests of Academician Rafael Oganov is very wide and varied. The scientific research carried out under his guidance allowed the USSR and then the Russian Federation to obtain data on the prevalence of major cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors. For the first time, programs were developed to predict the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases 5-10 years ahead and, based on the dynamics of risk factors, to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive interventions. Successful studies have been conducted in which the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among children, schoolchildren and students has been studied, which has made it possible to develop and, in the course of long-term follow-up, test preventive programs for the development of healthy lifestyles in childhood and adolescence.

Based on the epidemiological studies carried out under the leadership of Rafael Oganov  in Russia have been created and implemented large cooperative programs not only for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but also for integrated non-communicable diseases, based on the commonality of risk factors, such as the MONICA (coordinator 1983-2001), Russia-US intergovernmental cooperative program on "Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases" (coordinator, 1988-1998), program CINDI (coordinator, 1991-2006), widely known in our country and recognized abroad. The results of these studies and are now actively used in scientific research, as well as in practical public health in the organization of prevention programs at the national and regional levels.

Possessing high scientific professionalism, skill, deep sense of duty and responsibility, Rafael Oganov rightfully enjoys influence and respect in the scientific and medical world, adequately represents the national medical science at the international level. Recognition of the international authority of Rafael Oganov for his large-scale, epidemiological work of the Center is included in the Coordinating Committee for the Creation of a New European Model for Risk Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease, SCORE, which has now been further developed and widely used in Russia and Europe. Academician Rafael Oganov is a member of the European Society of Cardiology, since 1991, a member of the AmericanCollege of Cardiology since 2010.

Academician RG Oganov created and fruitfully operates a school of epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases and preventive medicine, including the organizational structure in practical public health. He - the author and coauthor of more than 680 scientific papers published in peer review journals in Russia and abroad, the author and co-author of 8 patents, 16 books and monographs, the most significant of which are the "Preventive Cardiology" 1985 "Cardiology" 2004, "Heart Diseases" "Cardiology: National Leadership" 2007, "Guide to Medical Prevention" 2007, "Preventative Cardiology (Guidelines for Physicians)" 2007, "School for Diagnosis and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome" 2007, "Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Medicine. Textbook for the system of postgraduate and additional professional education of doctors "2010," Postpandial hyperglycemia - a target for the prevention of cardiovascular complications and diabetes: (manual for doctors) "2010," School of Health. Ischemic Heart Disease: A Guide for Doctors "2011," School of Health. Ischemic heart disease: materials for patients "2011," Qualitative clinical practice with the basics of evidence-based medicine (Textbook for the system of postgraduate and additional professional education of doctors) "2011.

Under his leadership, 16 doctoral and 30 PhD dissertations were prepared and protected. Academician R.G. Oganov has the highest indices of scientific citation in domestic and international databases: RINC (Russian index), WoS, Scopus.

A high sense of duty and responsibility, honesty, exactingness, rich scientific erudition combined with great clinical experience are the qualities characteristic of Rafael Oganov, and thanks to which he deservedly enjoys the respect of his students, employees, the medical community of Russia and international recognition.

The experience of the scientist, clinician, leader and good organizational skills of the academician RAMS Oganov were in demand not only within the framework of the National Research center for Preventive Medicine. Thanks to his energy, high scientific erudition and human qualities, great successes were achieved in the creative association of Russian cardiologists. It is no accident that he served three terms (12 years) as president of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists (VNOK). He is the editor-in-chief of the journals "Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention", "International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal", the deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology, a member of the editorial board of the magazines Preventive Medicine and Cardiology.

Rafael Oganov was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Possessing a high internal culture, personal charm, benevolence, an active lifestyle, a sense of justice and responsibility for the destinies of people, he successfully continues the best traditions of Russian medicine. He meets his jubilee full of energy, creative plans and plans.

Now R.G. Oganov is the chief researcher and head of the Department for Prevention of Comorbid Conditions of National Research center for Preventive Medicine, chairman of the international group of experts on noncommunicable diseases of the Northern Dimension Partnership in Health Care and Social Well-being.

The Cardioprogress Foundation and the Editorial board of the International Journal of Heart and Vascular Diseases congratulate the most respected Raphael G. Oganov on his jubilee, wholeheartedly wish him many years of healthy and creative life.