New ESH Hypertension Guidelines Aim for Simplified Message


The guidelines, which are endorsed by the European Renal Association and the International Society of Hypertension, were presented during the 32nd Annual European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection Meeting in Milan, Italy, on June 24.

"We have confirmed the definition of hypertension and provide clear guidance for blood pressure monitoring and a simplified general strategy targeting similar blood pressure goals for most patients, although the treatment algorithms of how you get there may be different for different patient groups."

Kreutz added: "Because hypertension is so prevalent and many patients have comorbidities, it is not easy to have one approach for all, but we have tried to simplify the key messages as much as possible, with a target that is more general to the whole population."

While there are no major surprises in the guidelines, there are multiple advances and added-value changes, including clear advice on how to measure blood pressure, an upgrade for beta-blockers in the treatment algorithms, and a new definition and treatment recommendations for "true resistanthypertension."