Patients with type 2 diabetes have about twice the risk for a cardiovascular event associated with atherosclerosis, such as a heart attack or stroke, during their lifetimes.
The team worked with three cohorts of patients. The first, named AngioSafe-2, consisting of 672 patients with type 2 diabetes, was recruited from the diabetology departments of Lariboisière and Bichat Claude Bernard hospitals in France. This cohort allowed researchers to demonstrate that the higher the number of circulating monocytes, the greater the risk for cardiovascular events, independent of age and duration of diabetes. This observation was confirmed through a second cohort, GLUTADIAB, that comprised 279 patients with type 2 diabetes. Scientists complemented their work with molecular analysis of circulating monocytes in these two cohorts, which revealed certain predominant monocyte subtypes in patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk.
To better understand how these results could be used to predict cardiovascular risk, the team collaborated with colleagues from the University Hospital of Nantes on a cohort called SURDIAGENE, which included 757 patients with type 2 diabetes. "We conducted a longitudinal study by following these patients for 10 years and quantifying cardiovascular events and deaths," said Venteclef. Circulating monocyte levels were correlated with the occurrence of heart attacks or strokes. The researchers observed that patients with type 2 diabetes with a monocyte count above a certain threshold (0.5 × 109/L) had a five- to seven-times higher risk for cardiovascular events over 10 years than those with a monocyte count below this threshold.
A patent was filed at the end of 2023 to protect this discovery.