Al Stethoscope rolled out to 100 GP clinics to help diagnose heart failure

GP clinics in London and Wales will receive an AI-powered tool as part of a trial to help improve the diagnosis of a deadly heart condition, says Imperial College London.

  • A new AI tool could potentially improve the detection of heart failure.
  • Patients will randomly be allocated to receive an AI-stethoscope or continue with usual care.

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The research
A total of 200 GP practices across Northwest London and North Wales, covering more than three million patients, will randomly be allocated to receive an AI-stethoscope or continue with usual care for patients.

Patients visiting their GP using the AI stethoscope will receive a brief, non-invasive heart exam, using an Eko digital stethoscope and app powered by the company’s AI. If the device detects possible signs of cardiac disease, the GP can rapidly start further tests and potentially life-saving treatments.

Patients continuing attending GP clinics not using the AI tool will continue to receive typical care for detection and treatment of heart failure.