Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress Foundation

Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress FoundationOne of the leading objectives for the Cardioprogress Foundation is publishing and editorial activity. Cardioprogress Foundation has founded and published two journals (International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal and Metabolism and Somatic Diseases) and two newspapers (Cardioprogress and Cardiology Today). All publications are reviewed by editorial boards and councils comprising leading experts from around the world. All publications are produced in both English and Russian languages. Limited-distribution print versions are available for free to relevant institutions, companies and professionals in Russia, the CIS, and internationally. Payment is not required from authors wishing to present their work in our publications. All issues of journals and newspapers are available in digital format on the Foundation’s official website, www.cardioprogress.ru.



Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress Foundation
International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal

Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress Foundation
Journal «Metabolism and somatic diseases»

Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress Foundation
Informational bulletin «Cardioprogress»

Editorial Activity of the Cardioprogress Foundation
Newspaper «Cardiology today»